Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tea Time For Seedlings

I've read that seedlings benefit from some sort of fertilization, but last year I didn't bother.  This year I decided to give it a shot.

I bought some organic vegetable fertilizer, and prepared some "fertilizer tea" by combining a cup of fertilizer and a gallon of water and letting it sit for 24 hours.

The first thing I noticed was that this fertilizer tea smells like the sewer backed up!  This is most likely due to the manure and fish meal in the fertilizer.  Really - it was quite lovely!

I  watered the seedlings with a solution of apx 75% tea and 25% water, and then went away for three days.  When I returned home, the difference was very noticeable.  The plants were taller, the stems thicker, and the leaves bigger and a deeper green color.

Judge for yourself - here are some 'before' pictures (click for enlargements):

And now here are the 'after' pictures taken 4 days later (click for enlargements):

Needless to say, I'll be doing this with all my seedlings from now on.  I'll give them another dose a week after the first one.

Just two and half weeks until planting time...

1 comment:

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